BAScloud API v2.1: new version shines with new functions
Groß-Bieberau, 28.07.2021. Version 2.1 of the BAScloud API is online. Users benefit from a whole range of new functions. In addition, the development team improved existing features and eliminated vulnerabilities that had arisen. And: The new version is considerably faster than its predecessor.
The most important innovations in the API v2.1 at a glance:
- “Created” as a filter
Until now, BAScloud users could only restrict reading (display value) retrievals using TimeStamp. Now it is also possible to use the time of the actual capture of the data set in the BAScloud as a parameter. This is particularly advantageous for time-delayed transfers of values to the BAScloud. - CreateReading as JSON Array
From now on, multiple readings can be transferred to the BAScloud in one call – across multiple endpoints. Up to 1,000 values per call are possible. - Improved roles and rights system
With version 2.1, the roles and rights system has been optimised through further functions in the API. Users will also find a clear schema for better traceability in the BAScloud API Documentation. - More differentiated error messages
More user comfort is delivered by the new version with more accurate feedback from BAScloud to the user. From now on, a distinction is made between “Not authorised” and “No access”. - Fixed bugs
The platform was further optimised: Bugs reported by users as well as those discovered by the developers themselves have been fixed with the current version.
„With the now released version 2.1, we are continuing the success story from the first development step of the BAScloud. The application is now even more convenient and powerful“, says Stefan Schaffner, Managing Director of ProFM.
The BAScloud platform networks and stores building information. Users can securely and centrally manage recorded values of their properties and integrate services such as energy management.
Exciting for all BAScloud users and interested parties: In autumn, the new user interface (UI) for the web application will arrive.
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